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MJResults will be trustworthy only if we place a firewall between funding and our content.  Our assessments of the risks and benefits of cannabis can’t be influenced by our funding, and our summaries of research that tests a one of our sponsors' products can’t be influenced by funding from that sponsor.  To help ensure that our article selection is fair, and that our reviews are unbiased, we’ve built the following safeguards:

  • Our advisors are asked to vet our article selection process and reviews, flagging any bias they see

  • Funding is never tied to a review of a particular study

  • Our sponsors don’t determine which studies get reviewed

  • Our sponsors can’t influence the content of a review

  • The relevant financial relationships of our writers and advisors are disclosed here:

Juan Esteban Perez: None

Lena Yannella:  None

Dhivya Ramalingam: None

Kelly Hughes:  None

David Casarett:  MelixGx, Curio Wellness,, Root Bioscience, Zelda Therapeutics, and Northern Swan Holdings.

Carly Barton:  Jacana

Saoirse O’Sullivan PhD: CanPharmaConsulting Ltd, Artelo Biosciences, and Dragonfly Biosciences

Donald Abrams AXIM Biotechnologies, INSYS, Intec, Maui Wellness Group, Scriptyx, Tikun Olam, and VIVO Cannabis

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