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Our mission is to help patients, clinicians, and policy-makers understand the science of cannabis, so that we can engage in an open and transparent dialogue about its risks and potential benefits.


Why MJResults?

Every year, more than 1,000 scientific articles on cannabis are published.  Some are excellent; others are deeply flawed.  Most are too highly specialized to be useful to patients, health care providers, and policy-makers.


As a result, good cannabis research often isn’t picked up by mainstream media and often never reaches the public.  Research that does reach the public is often dismissed or misunderstood.  And some research results are over-hyped, leading patients to draw conclusions that are misguided, or even dangerous. 


That’s why we created  We comb through the emerging science and newly published studies, flagging the work that’s most important.  We summarize those studies in ways that the general public can understand.  And we disseminate those summaries widely, through social media and traditional media outlets, making sure that good cannabis science gets the attention it deserves.

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